Below are some of the resources that might help you plan for the upcoming Framework-Based Global History and Geography Regents Exams.
Claims and Evidence -- There are four claims around which learning should occur. This document identifies them and lists the evidence we should be looking for regarding student learning.
Prototype Exam (Updated 2018) -- This is the only prototype of the exam that we have. Another should be made available by the state in the near future, and will be posted here.
Task Models -- All Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on the exam will be based on a task model or "shell." These may flex a little as the state continues to evaluate them. Updated versions will be posted as available.
Enduring Issues Chart -- This is NOT an exhaustive list, and having the students memorize this chart will be a disservice to them! Rather, use this chart to help guide your instruction as the students learn what an enduring issue is and how to identify one.
Performance Level Descriptors -- This is a DRAFT of the PLDs for the new exam.
All secondary teachers should also explore the videos found at here!