New Instructional Staff

New Instructional Staff Joins MOBOCES
Posted on 08/29/2024

MOBOCES welcomed more than 40 new instructional staff members during our New Staff Orientation today. Instructional leaders and department heads presented on key topics to help new staff start off the school year on the right foot, including paraprofessional support, campus safety, professionalism and tech support.

To add some fun, Staff Development Specialist Becky Copp led an activity on instructional survival techniques. Staff walked around the room to explore 12 different instructional survival techniques posted on the wall with information detailing each of them. They were then asked to write down three techniques they are good at, two that could use improvement, and one step to take towards improving. To close out the presentation, they played a game of Step Forward, allowing attendees to get to know each other better by stepping forward whenever they answered ‘yes’ to a fun question.

Several departments set up informational tables around the Courtyard, and new staff walked around the room to learn more about resources available to them. Tables included the School Library System, Staff & Curriculum Development, HR/EAP, the Teachers’ Association, the Business Office, Center for Family Life and Recovery, Connected Community Schools, and SchoolTool.