New School Year Begins

Instructional Staff Returns For New School Year
Posted on 09/03/2024

Madison-Oneida BOCES kicked off the 2024-25 school year with an exciting Superintendent’s Conference Day that included a musical introduction and a presentation on leadership by a retired military officer.

The day started with welcome remarks from the District Superintendent, Board President, union leadership and campus administrators, and the introduction of new staff. The Common Chords, a staff band, opened the morning with a three-song set that included an original piece and two Abba covers.

Colonel Arthur Athens, a retired Marine, delivered the keynote speech, sharing guidance and advice on developing strong leadership qualities.

Staff enjoyed a picnic lunch cooked by our Cafeteria staff, with several program leaders on the grill!

In addition to our Cafeteria staff, our Building Services, Technology and Central Administration Support Staff teams were instrumental in ensuring the day was a success.

Instructional staff will have one more Conference Day for planning and classroom setup on Wednesday before welcoming back students on Thursday, September 5.


More photos from the day are posted on our Facebook page, and a video of The Common Chords is available on Instagram.